Articles – HOOK training

HOOK articles

This is where you'll find some of the articles I have written about how to engage your learners. If you have any questions which you'd like me to tackle in future articles, please let me know about them.  

Articles available

Hook Your Audience - summary
A compilation of the end-of-chapter summaries from the book in one place to allow readers and potential readers to quickly get an overview of some of the key ideas in each tool.

In defence of the classroom science demonstration
A robust defence of the use of demonstrations in the classroom by identifying some of their unique and powerful benefits – practical, affective and cognitive.

The power of *****
Imagine that there was a communication tool that had an almost magical hold over learners of all ages and cultures.

Vacancy – volunteer needed to assist on stage
Using volunteers is a key element of most informal education performances for children. But how do you identify the best volunteers in your audience?

How to facilitate visitors interacting with exhibits
You are the most important interactive on the floor for the visitors, but only if you are genuinely interactive with them.

10 mistakes researchers make when presenting to young people
Ten of the most frequent pitfalls researchers face when they begin presenting to audiences of children and young people.

Developing interest in science through emotional engagement
A toolkit of some techniques that educators can use to increase interest by using hooks to foster emotional reactions.

“Have you any notes for me?”
Feedback is a vital part of your continuous professional development as an educational presenter.  Here are some tips to help you take or give constructive and effective feedback.

HOOK training